Quick answers to popular questions about Royals' Spectacular

Royals' Spectacular

A combination of circus favorites with both classic and contemporary style! Our years of performing experience has introduced us to incredible friends around the world who specialize in handstands, lyra, hoops, straps, chair balance, slack wire, unicycle, cyr, contortion, web, cloudswing, and of course, flying trapeze!

Capable of offering several arrangements, our Octagon stage is 120' x120'; the Traditional Stage is 120' x 85'; and the Tower Stage is 65' x 65'.

These footprints include both greenroom/ production trailers PLUS audience seating so you don't have to worry about bleeding into walkways or additional space needs.

We are capable of going beyond the traditional "30 minutes, 3 times daily" to help engage audiences all day.

Royals' Spectacular be as quick as 15 minutes or as long as 75, if so desired! Our most popular package design includes a combination of these show lengths.

We strive to engage audiences in as many ways as possible. One way we do this is by allowing our partners an opportunity to turn our stage into an additional show space for other entertainers.

We also feature "Meet the Royals" or our "Try-n-Fly" experiences, connecting and captivating audiences in new ways, creating excitement within the community beyond the Fair.